2013 Oklahoma Tornadoes-Missing Photos

This morning I was able to take some time and go to Oklahoma City Children’s Hospital and meet with the Child Life Manager, Erin. She gave me a really good idea of the tornado disaster from inside the hospital and how their child life department handled it.  It was an exciting conversation as we brainstormed  ideas for better solutions, etc.

They have an incredible play area in their hospital. I had to get a picture!:

From there, I ran to the Oklahoma City bombing memorial before hurrying back to the Center to meet back up with my CDS team.

You can see the individual chairs for each person who died on the left of this picture. And below is a fence with many of the items left to honor the victims:

I kept hearing how amazing that memorial is and I’m definitely glad I got to go see it even for short visit.

Once back in the center today, we spent a lot of time with play dough.  My teammate Patty was able to support a child today in a way that was too special to put into words. She saw beyond the anger this child was showing to the heart of her pain and she met her there with the perfect amount of support and love.  It was quite a moment.
One thing I found interesting:

People are able to drop off pictures they find so that the pictures can hopefully be reunited with their owners. These pictures in this bag were dirty and torn and stained, but they just might be someone’s prized memories. I love it that someone has made this a priority and will try to reunite people with these memories.

Two big things I’m looking forward to tomorrow:   1. Our new teammate jumping in (she arrived here tonight) and  2. Doing some laundry!!!

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