Support Us: PayPal, Amazon Smile & Fundraiser

Ways to Support…

Child Life Disaster Relief is a registered non profit with 501(C) (3) designation and welcomes individual donors to support our mission and help further our cause.

We now have a PayPal link for those who would like to support us in that way:

Secondly, we have joined forces with Amazon Smile. Follow the link below and a portion of your purchase will be donated to Child Life Disaster Relief. Be sure to bookmark or visit the banner below so your future Amazon purchases will continue to support CLDR!

And thirdly, Caralyn Perlee, CLDR Director of International Relations is leaving for France in February to begin a partnership with Dunkirk Refugee Children’s Centre. She has started a fundraising effort to be put towards travel expenses and cost of living while at the camp. Additional funds raised will be used towards sending other child life volunteers to France. The link can be found here: Please feel free to share the link with your friends, family and coworkers to support this cause.

Thank you for your ongoing support for increased specialized care to children facing natural and man-made disasters! We could not do this without your involvement.

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