A Season for Thankfulness – Financial & Material Support

CLDR is deeply grateful for the generous financial and material support we have received this year.

We hit significant roadblocks this year where financial support was necessary to continue our initiatives.  At the same time, Child’s Play reached out to us and we have been overwhelmed by their support.  Child’s Play is not only providing incredible financial support, but they are also willing to join our mission in various tangible ways and we are excited about the possibilities as we move forward together.  Their timing and their support has been invaluable.  Thank you, Child’s Play!

We are also so grateful for the support from Veterans United Foundation for our Local Expansion Project (see previous post) and the on-going support from Children’s Disaster Services.  On top of that, Mrs. Josephine Levinne and the Jewish Federation of America have provided a substantial donation to assist us in our overall mission.  We also have benefited gratefully from several independent donations from child life specialists around the country.  We are at a loss to express our gratitude.  It is people and organizations like you who are making this a successful and sustainable movement to meet the needs of children after disaster.  Thank you!

During several significant disaster events this past Fall, we also benefited greatly from the generosity of those providing support in the form of books and materials support for our disaster-hit areas.  Child’s Play teamed up with several hospitals affected to provide assistance.  Susan Bernardo and LeVar Burton donated several copies of their book, “The Rhino Who Swallowed a Storm”, and the National Institute for Trauma and Loss in Children donated “Brave Bart: A Story for Traumatized and Grieving Children”.    With each disaster event, we had child life specialists and child life departments reaching out offering assistance and we are very thankful.  We are especially grateful for Cook Children’s Hospital Child Life Department in Fort Worth, Texas and Sunrise Children’s Hospital Child Life Team in Las Vegas, Nevada for the many ways they coordinated responding efforts with us and also provided much needed toys and supplies.  What can we say to express just how thankful we are?  We are speechless.  Thank you.

Additional Note: We are on Amazon Smile and welcome your donations by choosing Child Life Disaster Relief as your charity on Amazon Smile or using this direct link http://smile.amazon.com/ch/81-3905287 during this busy season. Amazon will then automatically donate a percentage of all your purchases to Child Life Disaster Relief. Thank you for your ongoing support!

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