Prayers for Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School

Our deepest condolences go out to the victims, students, school personnel, families, first responders, and hospital personnel affected by the tragic shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Broward County, FL.  We also recognize the impact such incidents have on those near and far and offer some quick tips for supporting your children:

  • Be aware and recognize signs of distress and anxiety, be present with children
  • Listen to kids fears and concerns, validate their feelings and safety
  • Answer questions simply and honestly
  • Limit repeated exposure to news and visual depictions of the tragedy
  • Focus on establishing security and predictability (stick to routines) 
  • Reach out for professional help if symptoms persist or seem severe

We have a certified child life specialist local to this high school as well as others who are ready to support the families should our national partner, Children’s Disaster Services, get called in for support.

1 thought on “Prayers for Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School”

  1. I am a CCLS living in Southern Sarasota CountyFL. Let me know if you need additional CCLS to deploy for a day or two at a time, I can make myself available.

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