Beautifully Indescribable

A brief update from Tiffany Heinz, Certified Child Life Specialist, currently deployed with our partner, Children Disaster Services, in Texas with the children and families impacted by the border crisis:

It was such an impactful day. Not like any other deployment I’ve been on before. We walked through the doors and there were so many little faces that turned and watched us walk by with our giant suitcase (i.e., our suitcase of toys and supplies). For the next 9 hours my fellow teammates and I watched as almost 75 children cycled through our little play space…Countless pictures were colored and some extraordinary Play-Doh cakes were created…always sharing of course with all their new amigos(friends). If I could describe today with one word it would be beautiful. It was beautiful to see how so many families were being provided with basic needs like clothes, food, and shelter at the center. Stunningly beautiful to see how many smiles shined brightly from not only children but their parents watching them play from close by. Lastly, it was beautiful to be on such a diverse and amazing team of volunteers to cherish these precious memories with, and together, witness how magical and universal play can be.

This has been an amazing experience that is almost indescribable…hard to do it justice in words without seeing it first hand. I am beyond moved by what I’ve experienced and saw today and cannot wait to go back tomorrow with a new group of kiddos and family members.

Our partner, Children’s Disaster Services, is continually preparing for deployments to various disasters this Fall and sometimes teams are needed quickly.

We know that many of you will consider making arrangements in the moment of need, but if you have any specific availability or flexibility over the next two months and want to be considered ahead of time, please fill out this form.

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