Children’s Disaster Services Training Registration (Washington, DC)

This is a specialized training for child life professionals. Child life specialists are invited to register.

The training will be held at:

Board of Governors Hall
430 17th Street
District of Columbia 20006

Training will be held on May 3, 2018 from 8:30 AM to 5:00 PM

For more information regarding this child life specific training, please visit our What to Expect page.

Registration is a 2 step process.

First complete the registration form below and click submit. Then, enter your name, email and submit the $60 registration fee through our secure paypal site (link is below the form).

Step 1: Registration form (Don’t forget step 2)

Step 2: Submit Registration Fee (If you did not complete the google form, see step 1 above)

Attendee’s Name
Attendee’s E-mail