This is such a common phrase used in the field of Child Life. We have been seeing significantly low numbers here in the Local Assistance Center (LAC) since setting up, however, I don’t think that has anything to say in relation to the quality of interventions provided. Almost all of the children we have seen have lost their entire homes. Everything is gone. However, their spirit, playfulness, smiles, character, laughs, and personalities have been shining through in full force.
I wish I could sit here and type forever to tell you about all of their stories… Some day…So let me tell you about one of my new friends!
The first thing that popped into my head was, “Wow, what an adorable outfit!” I immediately paused and thought, probably because the outfit is brand new as her parents had to purchase all new clothes.
Every interaction with these children and families truly provides me with a better understanding of the massive loss these individuals endure. This little girl spent hours with us in our center and I quickly became her “big sister”…what a special title to earn! Long story short, when her mother arrived to pick her up, we informed her that she had eaten a slice of pizza, animal cookies, and drank a bottle of water. Her mother was so incredibly happy and informed us that her little girl hasn’t eaten much in the past couple of days and had lost her appetite. What an amazing thing to be able to provide food, safety, comfort, and play.

I am forever grateful for this opportunity and to have been able to meet all of these children and families.
Until tomorrow,