When There Are No Words…

Don’t you love how kids don’t always need words to communicate?  PLAY is where it’s at!   It is the modality of communication, expression, and processing especially when words don’t suffice.

We love how well child life specialists know and embrace this.

We also are at a loss for words ourselves right now— We are deeply moved by the child life community continuing to rally around Texas and now preparing to wrap around Florida in the same way, if needed.

How do we capture just how thankful we feel? ..to our partner, Children’s Disaster Services.  …to Betsy, Stephanie, Kim, Liz, Zoe, Karla, Monika, Jessika, Abby & Leah who have been working with the kids in Texas.  …to the local child life specialists certified with CDS who are already jumping in and ready to join the CDS teams as needed in the midst of their own busy responsibilities.  …to all the others around the country who are ready to deploy or working to make arrangements to deploy in the coming weeks.

And what words can we use to describe how truly grateful we are for the donations of caring individuals and the overwhelming support of Child’s Play for our mission?  There simply are no words!

So, we want to share with you some of the pictures– Since pictures, sometimes speak louder than our words can anyway.

*Pictures are property of Children’s Disaster Services and used with permission based on partnership with CLDR

On behalf of the kids affected by this tragedy.  Thank you. Again and again.

Follow us on our new Instagram account (CLDisasterRelief) created by Liz Hines who is currently deployed in Dallas.  Also, stay tuned for updates and blog posts giving a little taste of the teams’ experiences- coming soon!

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