A Learning Opportunity: The Healing Trauma Summit

Looking to become more trauma-informed? Some of us at CLDR will be attending this FREE 10-day online “Healing Trauma Summit” offered by Sounds True.  We think it looks great and we are looking forward to learning more!

They are offering over 24 online training sessions provided by 24 world leaders in trauma and healing, and here are the highlights they specify:

  • New research spanning neuroscience, body-based therapies, yoga, mindfulness and meditation, traditional shamanic healing, EMDR, Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), generational and cultural recovery paradigms, and more

  • Inspiring stories from survivors and luminaries of community and cultural healing

  • Guided practices and examples included in many sessions co-hosted by a 30-year veteran of healing trauma, Jeffrey Rutstein, PsyD

Click on the link HERE to learn more about this educational opportunity.

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