Give Kids the Power…of Connection

Today is the kick-off


Child Life Disaster Relief fundraiser!

We are in need of funding for our initiatives focused on providing psychosocial interventions for children after natural and man-made disasters. 

Each day we will highlight a different aspect of our initiatives; we hope you will catch a glimpse of our current work and our future vision. Please share the fundraiser often to help reach these financial goals, enabling CLDR to continue to meet the needs of children after disasters.

Today, we highlight the Power of Connection:


Establishing healing connections is one of the most powerful tools in building resilience and encouraging growth post-disaster.  Our human biology depends on connections; we are made to relate to each other for survival.  We have seen first-hand the impact relational connections can have for children and teens after disaster and are honored to provide an opportunity for them to establish these healing relationships after devastating disasters. 


Join our mission

by donating to the Give Kids the Power campaign.

and CA Wildfires Anna Montgomery 2/2018


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