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A Webinar for Child Life Specialists and Child Life Students
Presenters: Erin Meyers, MS, CCLS, CTRS and Katie Nees, MSHS, CCLS
PDUs: Assessment PDU 1.5hrs.
Date/Time: Friday, September 1st 12-1:30pm EST
We all find ourselves in unexpected situations where our skillset can be put to use. This webinar will focus on child life assessments in unconventional circumstances and environments; arriving on the scene of a car accident, a friend or relative calling with a pressing issue with their children, or many other moments where our expertise is valuable. Participants will gain insights on how to best utilize their child life knowledge and training in unconventional environments.
About Our PresenterS:

Erin Myers, MS, CCLS, CTRS is a dual Certified Child Life Specialist and Certified Therapeutic Recreation Specialist. She has deployed for disaster relief several times including Hurricane Dorian in the Bahamas in 2019 and co-leading the CLDR Ukrainian virtual deployment in 2022. She currently also works for New Hope for Kids in Florida as a Virtual Grief Program Coordinator. She has been part of the CLDR team since 2016.

Katie Nees, MSHS, CCLS is the Co-Founder of CLDR and was the first executive director for the organization for several years while working in the Emergency Department at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center. Katie has deployed several times with partner organizations and leads CLDR deployments with a team of CLDR Deployment Coordinators. Katie has seen first-hand how valuable the child life skill set is in disaster situations both large and small.