How to Talk to Our Kids about The Recent Events

CLICK ON THE IMAGE for the article: "How Are We Going to Talk to Our Kids About The Nice Attacks?"
CLICK ON THE IMAGE for the article: “How Are We Going to Talk to Our Kids About The Nice Attacks?”

Is anyone else aching over what’s been happening these last several weeks?  There’s no simple answer or explanation for any of the recent events.  They are each horrific and beyond comprehension.  Here’s an article (click on the image above) we found that does an excellent job putting into words the importance of talking with kids and some guidelines for how to do that.

Some of us have heard first-hand from kids how they can gather information from conversations they overhear, news reports they see, and magazine covers they see/read as they pass by or wait in line.  Unless a trusted adult or parent brings up the topic, the child will often stay silent and try to make sense of it all on their own or in brief conversations with peers.  This can result in increased fears and misconceptions.

Let’s make sure kids know that they can talk with their parent or trusted adult about these serious and confusing issues.


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