Training in Tampa, FL this September!

Don’t forget to register for our child life specific Children’s Disaster Services training in Tampa, FL on September 10th sponsored by the Florida Association of Child Life Professionals.  The seven hour training will include:

  • Children’s Disaster Services overview–nurturing children, equipping volunteers, supporting families, communities, and partners (especially Red Cross, FEMA, and local agencies)
  • Creating a picture of disaster–phases of disaster, response agencies and organizations, impact on survivors o Responding to children after disaster–using our Kit of Comfort; working with volunteers with a common workshop experience, while at the same time having diverse educational background and life experience
  • Working as part of a CDS team–setting up a center in a MARC or shelter; policies, procedures, and best practices; logistics of travel, expenses, in-processing/out-processing; certification; self care/team care
  • Leadership opportunities with Children’s Disaster Services: Critical Response Child Care, Project Manager, Rapid Response leadership

For more information and to register visit: , click on the PDF link for “mail in registration“, and follow instructions for payment.

We look forward to seeing you there!
The Child Life Disaster Relief team

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